Do you have any suggestions or feature requests for OpenField? Join us on our community Feature Request board!
You can search for similar suggestions, vote on your favorites, and follow along to receive email updates when progress is made.
You will need to log into our Feature Request page, but your name will be anonymized on the public site.
We ask that you abide by our Community Agreements to ensure everyone has the best experience!
Avoid Discussing Specifics
- Privacy and Safety: Do not share personal information about yourself or others. OpenField can contact you regarding your request, but your name will not be publicly shown.
- Generalize dates: Please refrain from mentioning specific dates or events, especially those related to current campaigns.
- Generalize Locations: Instead of discussing or citing specific geographic locations, please keep the conversation to general terms.
- Hypothesize About the Future: We encourage you to think about and discuss hypothetical scenarios that could occur in the future, where can OpenField be helpful to your organization in the years ahead?
- Respect and Positivity: Please engage with others respectfully and positively. Constructive feedback is encouraged, but it should always be offered in a spirit of support and improvement, not criticism or negativity.
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