Welcome to OpenField! This is an introduction to logging in on both mobile and desktop devices.
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Log In
As a new canvasser or caller, you should receive the link to your organization’s OpenField page.
It will look something like yourorganization.openfield.ai
Once you have your link, type it into the URL search bar as it was given. No www or .com is needed, but double-check your spelling and where the periods are!
Next, you should be taken to this screen:
New Account Set Up
If this is your first time logging into OpenField, please click on Sign Up highlighted in blue.
You’ll be taken to the screen below, where you can fill out your information and create your account.
✏️ Please Note: The * (asterisk) indicates a required part that you must complete.
- Email Address*: The email address you’d like to use for OpenField. Don’t worry, we won’t send you anything!
- First Name*: Your preferred first name.
- Last Name*: Your preferred last name.
- Pronouns*: Your preferred pronouns.
- Languages Spoken*: How many languages are you comfortable with? This is great for your organizers to know so are more aware of your capabilities with your local community!
- Cell Phone: Your preferred cell phone number. This is not a required step but can be helpful if your organization needs to send you updates while you’re out in the field.
- Zip or Postal Code: Also not a required step but it is helpful to know if you had a preferred Zip or Postal Code to canvass or call from.
Password*: Please enter in a password that you can recall with the following requirements.
- Your password can’t be too similar to your other personal information.
- Your password must contain at least 8 characters.
- Your password can’t be a commonly used password.
- Your password can’t be entirely numeric.
- Password Confirmation*: Please enter the same password as before.
Once you’ve filled in all the fields, click Create Account.
If you’ve filled out all the necessary forms, you’ll be successfully logged into OpenField!
✏️ Please Note: If you require Admin-level permissions, you must contact another Admin from your Garden to add the permissions to your account.
Forgot Your Password
If you forget your password or need to reset it for any reason, click Reset Your Password on the login screen.
✏️ Please Note: You can also use this link to set your password if an account was created for you and you have not logged in yet.
From this screen, enter the email of the account that needs a password reset.
You will receive an email from info@openfield.ai that will look like this:
Please click on the URL highlighted by the red box to be taken to the password reset screen.
Type in your new password and remember these steps!
- Your password can’t be too similar to your other personal information.
- Your password must contain at least 8 characters.
- Your password can’t be a commonly used password.
- Your password can’t be entirely numeric.
Click Change Password.
Click login to return to the main screen and log in with your new password!
Privacy Policy
You can also access our Privacy Policy from this screen.
Have more questions? Email us at support@openfield.ai.
If you have feature requests or suggestions for how to improve OpenField, stop by our Canny page!
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